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  • Hallo Liebe FreundeDateWed Nov 07, 2012 10:07 am

    Ich freue mich herzlichst, das ihr hier seit.

    Das Ziel dieses Forums, also meine Herzensangelegenheit ist es, WISSEN und Training hier KOSTENFREI zur verfügung zu stellen.

    Freuen würde ich mich sehr, wenn du hier findest was du suchst. Wenndu etwas vermissen solltest, etwas bestimmtest hier sehen möchtest, dann BITTE gebe mir Bescheid. Nur uaf dieseM Weg kann das Forum wachsen und jedem die persönliche Möglichkeit bieten, sich zu entwickeln.

    Liebe Grüße
    AURorA Ute

  • I welcome all NEW membersDateWed Nov 07, 2012 9:47 am

    Dear Member

    as you can see this Forum is new and need a lot of support. Support from me and you and everyone we invite.

    I hope you find here what you are looking for. If there is anything you miss here PLEASE let me know so we can change it and get better :-)

    I would absolutely prefer NO religion here. It is important that we all learn that WE ARE ONE. In my heart I am with you. All the best and love and light out of this universe will be with you.
    In you I will recognize me. Just like you are a part of me.
    The gods, the creators blessing you in love and light.
    Faithfully in Love and Light
    AURorA Ute

  • my believes and Service in spiritual wayDateFri Sep 21, 2012 1:44 pm

    Welcome and Namastè

    An important thought of mine is that we human learn that there is something that connects us all. That is no matter what religious community we belong to. Everyone of us believes in something
    Again, it does not matter whether you believe in, one or more creators.
    But the fact is that we believe that there is something greater than us humans.
    That there is something unique so we can not put it into words.
    Something that gives us hope in times of need.
    That gives us a smile in our hearts.
    It unites us all on this earth. There are not difference. We are ALL HUMANS. One unit on this earth. And what we have all in comment?

    WE BELIEVE all.
    And faith alone can move mountains.
    I you would like you to imagine in your heart that all religions, all humans to be considered as one unit. One unit in the entire universe.
    Imagine what we could accomplish if we put all our faith together “as one unit”.!
    Here on this site and with my work, I want to combine faith, mysticism, beliefs, history, magic, and the laws of the universe.
    Since everything is the result of a thought, or out of a cell, or by a Creator, we are all sisters and brothers, WE ARE ALL ONE. There is no separation. There is no WITHOUT YOU. There is only and always “WITH YOU”.
    Whatever we do, we need another human to feel complete.
    Whatever we see, there is a contrast.
    Whatever exists has his opposite.
    I belong to no common faith or community. After my ordination to Reverend I opted for the universal faith.
    Universal faith means everything is one.
    Everything belongs together in some way.
    Each book of any faith communities speak in a deeper sense of the same things. A universe, one planet, embassies, savior, angels, God and gods ….
    Let us develop WITHOUT spiritual, religious barriers new perspectives.

  • What is Hypnosis?DateFri Sep 21, 2012 1:40 pm

    Each translator, each dictionary, many hypnotists describe hypnosis with other words.  Hypnosis is difficult to describe itself with words. To be able to form an opinion, you should get to know hypnosis by yourself and learn, feel how it feels like and what it can do good and great thinks to you.

    T American Psychological Association describes hypnosis as a cooperative interaction in which the participants responded to the suggestions of the hypnotist.
    The technique has also been clinically proven, medical and therapeutic services, give especially in the reduction of pain and anxiety. It has even been suggested that hypnosis can reduce the symptoms of dementia.

  • Topic by Rev. AURorA Ute. Forum: Religion

    Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
    and I will give you rest.
    Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
    for I am gentle and humble in heart,
    and you will find rest for your souls.
    For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
    Jesus of Nazareth

    The Good News
    Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their
    synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the
    kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness
    among the people. News about him spread all over
    Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill
    with various diseases, those suffering severe pain,
    the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the
    paralyzed; and he healed them.
    Matthew 4:23–24
    There are two sides to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It
    is a message of forgiveness of sins, of everlasting life,
    but also a message of opposition to human misery.
    Not only is an end to sin proclaimed, but also an
    end to suffering and death. All suffering shall cease!
    Just as sin is overcome through the blood of Christ,.....

    download this book right here: or look in the attached files.

  • Winning The Weight-Loss BattleDateSat Sep 15, 2012 3:29 pm

    Weight Loss Basics
    Although there are an ever-growing number of diet books, plans and groups, many people just want to achieve weight loss by sensible healthy eating, rather than following a particular fad or fashion. But where to start your weight loss program? Well, the most basic and probably one of the best guides that you have, is your own common sense.
    Most dieters these days have already amassed enough information about what is and isn't good for weight loss, to be able to decide whether or not a particular food is healthy, or is likely to help, hinder or otherwise affect their diet....

    Feel FREE to share this eBook with your friends. Tell theme where you got this eBook from and invite them in your Metaphysical Wisdom Forum.

  • 30 potent foodDateSat Sep 15, 2012 3:20 pm
    Topic by Rev. AURorA Ute. Forum: Food

    Fat Burning Basics
    If you’re overweight, you are not a bad person. You’re simply overweight. But it’s important to lose the extra pounds so you’ll look good, feel healthier and develop a sense of pride and self-esteem. Once you’ve lost the fat, you’ll need to maintain your weight.
    In this book, you’ll discover how to lose 10 pounds a month – a nice, safe loss of about two or two-and-a-half pounds a week – painlessly. You’ll feel satisfied and more energetic than in the past without feeling deprived.
    Most Americans pack on those extra pounds by ...

    Be free and share this eBook. Tell your friends WHERE did you find this book. Invite them in our
    Metapyscial Wisdom Forum & School

  • Dr. Usui Reiki Level IDateThu Aug 30, 2012 8:45 am

    Here you can buy your first Step into the power of self healing. YOuhave 7 days after you enroll in the course to complete.


    AURorA Ute

    Your purchase will support KidsCare Camodia e.V.

  • Dr. Usui Reiki Level IDateSun Aug 26, 2012 7:12 pm

    1st Degree in Dr. Usui Reiki

    "Be a Hand on Healer"
    by Rev. AURorA Ute

    The most important in Reiki are the 5 rules. This should try to incorporate into their lives. Every day a little more. Every day more intense. Experience with the waking consciousness these rules every day more intense.

    The 5 rules are:
    Just for today, I will live the attitude of gratitude.
    Just for today, I will not worry.
    Just for today, I will not anger.
    Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
    Just for today, I will show love and respect to every living thing"

    Here are some autos I like to introduce to you. Their manuscripts can be found in the appendix. A certificate is a confirmation that your knowledge has been verified. For private use, a certificate is not required. The material is meant to be perception and learning material.

    To earn a certificate start here:

  • What do you think about 2012DateSun Aug 26, 2012 8:42 am
    Blog post by Rev. AURorA Ute

    What is it about 2012?
    Is there something special about 2012?
    Can you personal feel something is different?

    Lets talk about 2012

  • ReikiDateSat Aug 25, 2012 6:46 pm
    Topic by Rev. AURorA Ute. Forum: Books

    There are countless books and many good books on Reiki. A book I was especially fascinated and captivated. It is written simply and fluently. It's a pleasure to read it and you learn quickly to do so.

    "The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr Mikao Usui"
    ISBN: 978-0-9149-5557-3
    $14,95 US

  • Hier möchte ich euch Bücher vorstellen:DateSat Aug 25, 2012 6:41 pm
    Topic by Rev. AURorA Ute. Forum: Bücher

    Wenn auch du einen Buchvorschlag hast, schreibe mir bitte und erzähle mir von dem Buch. Gegebenen falles setze ich das Buch als deinen Vorschlag hier rein.

  • Here I want to introduce books:DateSat Aug 25, 2012 6:39 pm
    Topic by Rev. AURorA Ute. Forum: Books

    If you have a book proposal, please write me and tell me about the book. Particular case, I put the book as your suggestion in here.

  • Metaphysik von WIKIpedia erklärt:DateSat Aug 25, 2012 5:09 pm

    Die Metaphysik (lateinisch metaphysica, von griechisch μετά, metá, „danach, hinter, jenseits“, und φύσις, phýsis, „Natur, natürliche Beschaffenheit“) ist eine Grunddisziplin der Philosophie. Metaphysische Systementwürfe behandeln in ihren klassischen Formen die zentralen Probleme der theoretischen Philosophie: die Beschreibung der Fundamente, Voraussetzungen, Ursachen oder „ersten Gründe“, der allgemeinsten Strukturen, Gesetzlichkeiten und Prinzipien sowie von Sinn und Zweck der gesamten Wirklichkeit bzw. allen Seins.

    Konkret bedeutet dies, dass die klassische Metaphysik „letzte Fragen“ verhandelt, beispielsweise: Gibt es einen letzten Sinn, warum die Welt überhaupt existiert? Und dafür, dass sie gerade so eingerichtet ist, wie sie es ist? Gibt es einen Gott/Götter und wenn ja, was können wir über ihn/sie wissen? Was macht das Wesen des Menschen aus? Gibt es so etwas wie „Geistiges“, insbesondere einen grundlegenden Unterschied zwischen Geist und Materie? Besitzt der Mensch eine unsterbliche Seele, verfügt er über einen Freien Willen? Verändert sich alles oder gibt es auch Dinge und Zusammenhänge, die bei allem Wechsel der Erscheinungen immer gleich bleiben?
    Gegenstände der Metaphysik sind dabei, so der klassische Erklärungsanspruch, nicht durch empirische Einzeluntersuchungen zugängliche, sondern diesen zugrundeliegende Bereiche der Wirklichkeit.

    Der Anspruch, überhaupt Erkenntnisse außerhalb der Grenzen der sinnlichen Erfahrung zu formulieren, wurde vielfach auch kritisiert – Ansätze einer allgemeinen Metaphysikkritik begleiten die metaphysischen Systemversuche von Anfang an, sind insbesondere aber im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert entwickelt und oftmals als ein Kennzeichen moderner Weltanschauung verstanden worden. Andererseits hat man Fragen nach einem letzten Sinn und einem systematisch beschreibbaren „großen Ganzen“ als auf natürliche Weise im Menschen angelegt, als ein „unhintertreibliches Bedürfnis“ verstanden (Kant), ja den Menschen sogar als „animal metaphysicum“, als ein „metaphysiktreibendes Lebewesen“ bezeichnet (Schopenhauer). Seit Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts werden, klassischer analytisch-empiristischer und kontinentaler Metaphysikkritik zum Trotz, wieder komplexe systematische Debatten zu metaphysischen Problemen von Seiten meist analytisch geschulter Philosophen geführt.

    Hier gehts zum ganzen Artitel:

  • Metaphysic explained by WIKIPEDIA:DateSat Aug 25, 2012 5:04 pm

    Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world,[1] although the term is not easily defined.[2] Traditionally, metaphysics attempts to answer two basic questions in the broadest possible terms:
    "What is there?"
    "What is it like?"[3]
    A person who studies metaphysics is called a metaphysicist[4] or a metaphysician.[5] The metaphysician attempts to clarify the fundamental notions by which people understand the world, e.g., existence, objects and their properties, space and time, cause and effect, and possibility. A central branch of metaphysics is ontology, the investigation into the basic categories of being and how they relate to each other. Another central branch of metaphysics is cosmology, the study of the totality of all phenomena within the universe.
    Prior to the modern history of science, scientific questions were addressed as a part of metaphysics known as natural philosophy. The term science itself meant "knowledge" of, originating from epistemology. The scientific method, however, transformed natural philosophy into an empirical activity deriving from experiment unlike the rest of philosophy. By the end of the 18th century, it had begun to be called "science" to distinguish it from philosophy. Thereafter, metaphysics denoted philosophical enquiry of a non-empirical character into the nature of existence.[6] Some philosophers of science, such as the neo-positivists, say that natural science rejects the study of metaphysics, while other philosophers of science strongly disagree.

    Here the complete article:

  • Let us know what did you experienced.

  • Erzähle uns bitte von deinen Reiki Erlebnisse

  • Willkommen liebe FreundeDateTue Aug 21, 2012 3:34 pm

    Ich freue mich von tiefstem Herzen das jeder einzelne von euch hier ist. Jeder von euch ist ein riesen-seelischer Gewinn für jeden einzelnen von uns. Wir treffen uns in diesem Leben um gemeinsam eine Lernaufgabe zu erleben.

    Meine Online Schule ist kein "Geschäft". Mir ist in den letzten Wochen sehr deutlich geworden, wie wichtig es geworden ist, uaf unsere Seele und unser Wissen zu achten. Da sich nicht jeder "Wissen", "Weiterbildung" leisten kann, möchte ich hier mein erlangtes Wissen zu Verfügung stellen.
    Ganz genau. Ihr könnt von mir lernen, wofür ich einiges an "teuren Euros" ausgegeben habe.
    Warum ich das mache?
    GIbt es denn was besseres, als das jemand aus freiem Herzen teilt? Wohl kaum. Mir ist auch klar, das nciht jeder GELD hat um das mit anderen zu teilen. Doch Wissen hat jeder und das kann man teilen.

    Auch gehört meine Online Schule keinem Glauben oder Glaubensrichtung an. Jeder ist hier herzlich willkommen.
    Es gibt nur eine einzige Regel:
    Handle in Liebe und Respekt!

    Wunderschön wäre es, wenn ihr eure Freunde, Bekannte, Arbeitskollegen... jeder der etwa mehr für seine Seele tun möchte hier her einladet.

    Wer mich unterstützen möchte, da er meine Arbeit gut und hilfreich findet, nun dann freue ich mich über eine Spende. Ein Teil der Spenden geht an KidsCare Cambodia e.V.

    Licht und Liebe
    Rev. AURorA Ute

  • My personal greeting to you.DateTue Aug 21, 2012 3:17 pm

    Dear Friends
    I am very pleased that you are here. Each of you is a soul worthy gain for us all. In last couple of days I become me aware that we all must pay more attention to our soul and our knowledge. I know that my english is not perfect but I also know that I like to share my knowledge with you. ( If you have suggestions for how I can write certain things better, it would be nice if you gave me to write)
    This is not a business, this is what I believe in.
    I BELIEVE that we should share if we be able to do so. I realize that not everyone has the money to share. But knowledge? Everyone has some knowledge and THIS we can shared.
    Yes SHARING is pure JOY. It's a wonderful feeling when I receive letters or emails where people tell me THANK YOU.

    I hope you enjoy.
    Look around and take as much knowledge as you like with like.
    It's all free. (unless otherwise noted)

    My school is not part of any denomination.
    Every faith is welcome, as long as he is respectful towards others.

    Only one rule:
    Act with love and respect.

    A donation from you would be a wonderful thank you and supported my work. A part of the donations also go to KidsCare Cambodia.

    Rev. AURorA Ute

  • Tibetan singing bowls with certificate from FEH)DateTue Aug 21, 2012 2:28 pm
    Topic by Rev. AURorA Ute. Forum: Sound Massge

    We work on this page

Content created by Rev. AURorA Ute
posts: 326
place: Pisa- Italy- Toskana
Sex: female
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